Sunday, May 27, 2018
Science Fiction artwork by Răzvan Rădulescu
This Science Fiction scene is used with permission of the artist, Răzvan Rădulescu.
I made the image smaller so it would fit on most screens. Here’s a link to the full size artwork.
Here’s a couple links to some more of his work.
Saturday, May 12, 2018
Public Domain Book Art From The Internet Archive On Flickr
I found the spider art for “Little Miss Tuffet” with a google search and then I clicked from there to a gallery where I found the wizard from the same book and these two color fantasy art prints from “Rabbi Ben Ezra and other poems” (1915).
Link to Gallery. All Public Domain
Little Miss Tuffet
Image from of “Fairy roads to Science-Town” (1919) - Public Domain
Little Miss Tuffet sat on her Muffet because it was eating her cottage cheese.
Along came an eight legged creature who began to sneeze.
Miss Tuffit cried, “Would you stop that please.”
“I would if I could but I’m allergic to Muffets, especially when they eat cottage cheese.” he replied.
The Muffet said “I’m not scared of spiders and continued eating his cottage cheese.”
Miss Tuffit said, “I am”, and ran off.
The Muffet said “That’s a load off my back. Thank you spider. Do you want some cottage cheese?”
These writers contributed to “Little Miss Tuffit “ on Collab - hairylarry, vivian
All stories on Collab are CC-BY.
Tuesday, May 1, 2018
The Owl Princess
The Owl Princess by Deevad on deviantart. CC BY-SA
Deevad aka David Revoy also does Pepper and Carrot previously featured on SFF Short Stories. Most of his work is available with Creative Commons licenses some free culture and some non-commercial no-derivatives.